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Molly Joyce, Sage

16 April 2021
Molly Joyce

“I am thoroughly enjoying my apprenticeship. I have been able to complete two Level 2 AAT Bookkeeping units and three AAT Level 3-unit exams, and I am currently working towards completing my Synoptic exam for Level 3. The content of the course is really interesting, and I find it useful how I am able to relate some of the on programme learning to my job role at Sage.

“I began my Level 3 AAT course in March 2020, just before everyone had to start to work from home and complete online learning. At first, I found the online learning at home tough, as it was completely different to anything I had done before.

“However, my tutor and other people in my class were able to work together to come up with different ways of learning and supporting each other, for example we have used the breakout rooms to work independently or in small groups.

“I would highly recommend doing an apprenticeship, as you are gaining a qualification and essential work experience as well. When I was at school there was an expectation that everyone would go to university, and there was not much information provided about other opportunities like apprenticeships, therefore it is definitely something I will be recommending to my younger sister, in particular, who is approaching her GCSE’s and thinking about the next step.

“In the future, after I complete my Level 3 course, I would like to extend my knowledge with AAT and hopefully go on to study towards the Level 4 AAT accounting qualification. I have found that when I have been rotating internally in my job role, I have found more links to my on-programme learning. By having some background knowledge from the course, it has really helped when completing training, enabling things to make more sense.

“One of the main things I have enjoyed is getting to know different people, whether that be the other apprentices on my course at Northern Skills Group or other colleagues at Sage, everyone has been extremely friendly and easy to talk to.”

Apprenticeship Standard: Purchase to Pay Analyst Apprentice