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Safeguarding and Prevent

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Apprentices/Student’s role in Safeguarding

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is a term used for protecting students and keeping them safe from harm regardless of age, gender or ethnicity. Specific safeguarding issues can include: neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, bullying, cyber bullying, forced marriage, relationship abuse, trafficking.

What is the Prevent strategy?

The Prevent Strategy, published by the Government in 2011 aims to reduce the threat of terrorism to the UK by identifying when people may be vulnerable to extremism and radicalisation and outlining the right help and support. The team at Northern Skills have all undergone training on the Prevent strategy and have a good understanding of the factors that may lead to people being vulnerable to being drawn to terrorism and are able to provide help and support should you need it.

In order to support our students, Northern Skills have a dedicated Safeguarding team who are on hand to offer support to students, families and employers around safeguarding and prevent issues and work in close partnership with local services such as children’s social care.

If for any reason you are concerned for your own safety and welfare of the safety of another student, please speak with your Assessor, Personal Tutor, your Student Engagement Officer or member of our Safeguarding Team. You can do this a number of ways:

Employer’s role in Safeguarding


Northern Skills and TTE are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students and apprentices. As an employer of an apprentice or an employer providing a work experience placement for a student, you also have a responsibility and we expect all employers to share our commitment to safeguarding and the Prevent duty. We are required by law to ensure that everyone working with children (up to the age of 18 years) and vulnerable adults understand their responsibilities to jeep them safe.

  • To ensure a safe working environment for all learners and identify a named member of staff to be the key contact for welfare, safeguarding and prevent.
  • To create a culture which is committed to protect learners from potential harm or damage.
  • Ensure employees working alongside apprentices are free from convictions and will not pose a threat or danger to the apprentice/student.
  • To comply with all safeguarding legislation and to implement a Safeguarding Policy with assistance from Northern Skills or TTE if one is not yet in place.
  • Support learners through any safeguarding issues or disclosures
  • Report to Middlesbrough College, Northern Skills or TTE if any safeguarding concerns arise.


We have a vital role to play in protecting students from the risks of extremism and radicalisation which ins underpinned by the Counter Terrorism & Security Act 2015.

Radicalisation is the process by which individuals come to support terrorism or violent extremism. A number of possible behaviour changes could suggest a work placement student or apprentice could be at risk of radicalisation and it is important that you are aware of these. These would include increased instance of:

  • A conviction that their religion, culture of beliefs are under threat and treated unjustly
  • A tendency to look for conspiracy theories and distrust of mainstream media
  • The need for identity and belonging
  • Being secretive about who they are talking to online, switching screens when a staff member enters the room
  • Becoming emotionally volatile

More information about Safeguarding & Prevent can be found in our publications:

Read the Employer’s Guide to Apprenticeships – pages 30 & 31

Read the Employer’s Guide to Work Placements – pages 13, 14 & 15

If you spot any concerns about a student/apprentice, please contact the Safeguarding Team:

Northern Skills’ role in Safeguarding

Staff at Northern Skills have had Disclosure Barring Service checks and have undergone safeguarding training which assists them in identifying and addressing any safeguarding concerns. The Middlesbrough College Group has a designated Safeguarding Team that is available to provide support to apprentices, work placement students, families, employers and staff. If for any reason you suspect that an apprentice or work placement student does not feel safe or you know someone who you feel may be in danger, please contact your assessor or alternatively contact the Safeguarding Team.

Our role in safeguarding includes:

  • Having a Safeguarding Policy which our staff fully adhere to
  • Ensuring employers, apprentices and students are aware of and support our Safeguarding Policy
  • Assisting employers who do not have a Safeguarding Policy in devising and implementing a policy by providing a generic template
  • Ensuring employers, apprentices and students are aware of our designated Safeguarding representatives
  • Treating any employer or learner safeguarding suspicions or disclosures with professionalism and discretion and to support employers, apprentices and students following a disclosure

Parent & Guardian’s role in Safeguarding

We are committed to the safeguarding and welfare of all students and apprentices. We have extensive safeguarding policies and procedures in place that aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for learners, and we work with employers to ensure students and apprentices are working in a safe and secure environment. You can read our Safeguarding Policies and Procedures by clicking here.

There are a number of possible behavioural changes can suggest that your child is a risk of radicalisation and it is important that you look out for these. As a parent or guardian, you should look out for increased instances of:

  • A conviction that their religion, culture or beliefs are under threat and treated unjustly
  • A tendency to look for conspiracy theories and distrust of mainstream media
  • The need for identity and belonging
  • Being secretive about who they’ve been talking to online and what sites they visit
  • Switching screens when you come near the phone, tablet or computer
  • Possessing items – electronic devices or phones – you haven’t given them
  • Becoming emotionally volatile

If you have any concerns, please contact the Safeguarding Team:

Talk to us about your next step

Our friendly team are always happy to help! Get in touch with us to get your questions answered and to find out more about apprenticeships, or sign up to our monthly bulletin for the latest vacancies.