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Industry Work Placements

Become a stepping-stone for the future workforce

NorthLink Digital T Level student and employer

We aim to ensure all Middlesbrough College Group students have an opportunity to undertake high-quality work-based learning as part of their study programme. For some students, undertaking a work placement is vital to ensure they complete the course.

Work placements can vary in length and design depending on both the employer and student’s needs. As an employer, it is up to you to decide what tasks and projects the students undertake; our students can do what anyone else can in a job role, as long as they are trained and properly supervised.

3 Work Placements types:


These are negotiable pieces of work with an employer, either group or individual, usually carried out in the workplace during term time. Where a project is undertaken, we ask employers to provide a brief and to agree working methods and timescales with a member staff prior to commencing.

Short work placements

Short work placements can vary from a few days to several weeks and can be offered as a block week or set days over a few weeks. These work placements offer valuable experience in an industry related to the student’s course or chosen future career. Activities may include shadowing team members or specific tasks working within one team.

T Level industry placement

T Levels are a 2 year qualification for 16-19 year olds designed with employers. Each T Level programme includes a 45-day work placement as part of the course. Offering a T Level placement will allow your business to develop young people for the future whilst providing you with access to some of the brightest talent entering the market.

Benefits to your business

Both work placements and industry placements offered by Middlesbrough College Group provide an opportunity for young people to access work experience to help kickstart their careers. This also presents an important opportunity for businesses to set themselves apart in the market by recognised the importance of concepts such as ‘shared value’ and ‘responsible businesses’.

There are many direct and indirect benefits for employers by introducing work placements into their business strategy:

Short term benefits

  • An extra route for your current projects utilising students who are developing skills relevant to your business or industry
  • Students provide your employees with the opportunity to manage and mentor an individual or team
  • Students bring fresh creative ideas to the table; this is an opportunity for you take on board and develop their ideas
  • An opportunity to share with stakeholders how your business has supported local young people into industry and improve their change of employment

Long term benefits

  • Encourage the next generation to work in your sector
  • Develop your workforce with the skills you will need in the future
  • Offering work placements is good branding for your company
  • Young people bring a whole new energy and perspective
  • Offering work placements is a great recruitment strategy
  • Work placements benefit your whole industry

Contact the team

To find out more about Industry Placements and Work Placements or to arrange a student to join your business, contact our Work Placements team. You can also complete the form below and a member of our team will be back in touch with you.

Call: 01642 333333


"*" indicates required fields

Which type of placement are you interested in:

Talk to us about your next step

Our friendly team are always happy to help! Get in touch with us to get your questions answered and to find out more about apprenticeships, or sign up to our monthly bulletin for the latest vacancies.